Universal Datasheet Folio: Warhammer 40,000

RRP: £13.99
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“In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war”, so prepare for battle with tabletop accessories for Warhammer 40,000! Organize and store your notes, index cards and datasheets in this Universal Datasheet Folio, featuring the iconic grimdark war quote on the back. Inside, you”ll find ten double-sided, 4-pocket pages, with pockets sized to hold 10th Edition Datasheets, plus two 1-pocket pages for storing notes and army printouts (A4 or 8.5in x 11in). Each black, embossed pocket page is made with acid-free, non PVC webbing to protect and frame your cards, and featured side-loading pockets for easy access. Use the included dry erase sticker sheet to customize and organize your armies!

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg