MTG: Mana 8 Dropship Storage Box – Lotus

RRP: £85.99
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The Dropship Storage Box for Magic: The Gathering is the ultimate deck storage container and is sized to fit multiple deck boxes with ease. This premium modular storage box holds up to 1000+ cards, making it perfect for storing your draft cube or favorite decks. Fill your Dropship with any size and configuration of deck boxes you wish. Each Dropshop measures 15.6″ x 7.5″ x 4.9″ and features two soft, microfiber-lined compartments, separated in the center by a rigid divider. The wraparound cover attaches with a state-of-the-art magnetic closure to keep it firmly secured and is fully removable to allow easy access to your cards. The long compartments are also convenient for storing rolled playmats or other tabletop accessories. Made with a grip-friendly textured material for a premium feel and adorned with the five Mana 8 land symbols and the lotus icon.

Additional information

Weight 1.35 kg