Elf Booster Fleet

RRP: £40.00

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SKU: ZMG-MGARE102 Category: Tags: ,


Over the millennia, elven ships have changed very little in their design and construction – a testament to the incredible seafaring knowledge possessed by the forebears of the Sea Kindreds. In the groves behind Therennia Adar, warship parts are painstakingly crafted beneath impossibly high forest canopies. Like organic beings in their own right, each elf ship is individually crafted, the artisans of Therennia Adar eschewing uniformity in favour of aesthetic beauty. And yet similarities exist in their tried-and-tested designs. The largest warships share distinguishing features such as hull shape and weapon complement, and all are topped with elegant parapets connected with arched bridges and even living glades of evergreens.

Additional information

Weight 2.1 kg