Cardfight!! Vanguard: Omniscient Awakening – Booster Box

RRP: £79.99
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Cards from “CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD Divinez Season 2” manifest in “Omniscient Awakening”!
This booster also features Hikari Myodo’s partner, “Destined One of Time, Liael=Odium”!
Like the Fated Ones thus far, Liael=Odium also has the powerful,
once-per-fight ability “Divine Skill”!
Also includes important cards from the climax of Season 2!

Featured Nations- Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia, Lyrical Monasterio
Card Types – 121 types of cards
+ Parallels
1 pack contains 7 random cards
1 display contains 16 packs

Additional information

Weight 2.1 kg